The Coat That Launched A Thousand Blog Posts (getting there)

Despite the brutal cold, one thing kept me cheery and positive this winter – this coat.  Having spent six winters in a black down-comforter-style coat, I told myself that this winter I was going to brave the cold with nothing but neon electric wool as my shield.  This coat is surprisingly really warm, and the color kept me feeling refreshed even when my skin was dry and my spirit depleted.  My co-worker keeps giving me a hard time about when I’m going to officially retire the “red coat”, and the truth is, this is the one part of winter I’m not ready to say goodbye to!  I would recommend it to anyone and everyone (although it’d be nice if people got different colors because when you pass someone else in the street wearing the same neon coat it’s just a little too obvious.  I feel the need to acknowledge and then it’s just embarrassing for both parties.  Anyways…)


J. Crew coat // Gap leggings // Gap tee



J. Crew baubles – Similar here & here & LOVE THIS




Kirstenstyle: My Winter Party Uniform

I have a confession to make.  Since December 31st, every time everyone has invited me to a fancier occasion, I have worn the same outfit.  Granted, I’m not that popular so it’s been a total of about four times, but still.

I wore it on New Year’s at The Dawson

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Our Favorite Winter Beauty Products

So, we’ve already established that winter is in full swing in Chicago, and it actually offers a lot by way of outdoor activities.  However, being in the great outdoors when the windchill is below zero can take a toll on your skin.  These are a few of the products I use to help my skin continue to look great despite extreme weather conditions.  Plus, they don’t break the bank! Game, set, match. Without further ado, I give you:

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